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Protect your family with influenza vaccines

With winter approaching, an unwelcome visitor will be here soon– Influenza!

One important way to protect yourself and your family is with influenza vaccine, which is recommended by the CDC for all adults and children over 6 months of age.  As we’ve done in previous years, we’ll have plenty of flu vaccine for our patients and their immediate family available at both offices.

We will also be setting up “influenza vaccine clinics” in the evenings. These sessions are by appointment only, and are only for children and parents to receive flu vaccine.

The first influenza vaccine clinics will be Tuesday, October 16 at the Windward office, and Thursday October 25 at Roswell. We will be adding more dates soon. Please call to set up your appointment.

Two kinds of influenza vaccine

We have two kinds of influenza vaccine available, the “mist” and the tradition injectable or “shot” vaccine. Both are safe and effective.

The mist is a cold-adapted, live vaccine for use from age 2-49. It shouldn’t be given to people with lung, heart, or immune disease.  The injectable vaccine can be given to anyone over 6 months of age.

People should not get a flu vaccine if they have a severe or life-threatening allergy to egg. Mild egg allergies are not a problem. Flu vaccines can be given safely to children or adults during minor illnesses.